To Vote? Or Not To Vote?
But should anyone actually ask themselves that in relation to a presidential election?
I think voting is a privilege. So it blows my mind when people don't vote. As Americans, yes it is a right, but people need to realize how many countries in the world where voting is not a right.
I am more excited for the first time I get to vote than I was about the chance to get my license. Before I or my friend's turned sixteen, all they could talk about was a license, I was dreaming of voting. Which sound's silly, but it's very important to me to exercise my American right. The right to have a say in the government. The right to decide for myself who I would rather have lead my country.
The common refrain, I've heard, is that voting doesn't matter. Your vote is just one in eighty million. One vote doesn't change anything. But if everyone listened to that, then no one would vote. When Bush was president people criticized him and would say "he's not my president", these same people did not even vote in the election if they didn't even try to help his opponent get elected, then they have no right to criticize him. I think that with voting you get the right to disagree, as well as the right to say that you had a say in the politics of your country. It's like people who voted for Obama, they can say they had a hand in electing America's first African-American president, that right there is exciting.
I was not old enough to vote in the last election, but had I been, I would have definitely gone to my local polling station and cast my vote.
Even though I had no say in the election I watched the debates, read up on the candidates and did all I could to get educated on the election.
I live in a very opinionated family, so when everyone is together you can bet there will be a lengthy debate related to politics. I think that is one of the reasons I try to be informed when it comes to political things.
If I had been able to vote in the last election then I think I would have voted for John McCain. I don't consider myself a Republican, I am conservative minded, but sick and tired of Republicans. I would have voted for McCain mainly because I agreed with him more overall than Obama. That's not to say, I did not agree with Obama on anything, but I just leaned more towards McCain.
In conclusion, I think that were voting thought of in America as more of a privilege and less of a right, things may look different.
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